Get AI generated trading signals in real time

Enhance your trading performance with our proprietary price action signals, powered by an AI model trained on thousands of trades by expert crypto traders

Get AI generated trading signals in real time

Get better results on your trading thanks to our proprietary price action based signals, our AI model is based on thousands of trades made by expert crypto traders

How to Improve Your trading Results

Gensys handles the heavy lifting for you; it monitors several crypto pairs and generates trading levels in real time, allowing you to select when and how you trade those pairs while also knowing that you have a statistical advantage on your trading.

Three primary qualities


Our innovative proprietary algorithm ensures a high level of precision in trading entry, reducing the amount of negative positions in your portfolio.


GenSys operates 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, allowing you to rest. Our steady trading pace will translate into sustained profits for you.

High ROE%

Our systems collect large amounts of trading data, feeding our genetic algorithm, which improves the MAE and MFE, resulting in a better risk/reward ratio.

What is GenSys?

GenSys is a web application based on a genetic algorithm that, with the help of artificial intelligence and professional traders, is designed to provide you with the best futures trading signals.

Why should you go with us?


+ 0
+ 500
+ 14000

Price Action at its core

BingX Exchange Official Partner

1 Month

$ 4

You get :

  • Trading Scanner
  • Trading Live Alerts
  • Trading platform access
  • Discord Alert Bot

*Subscription valid for 30 days.


$ 120

Free Trial:

  • Get your test levels for free filling the form.
  • (Free license only during the alpha phase)

*Subscription valid during Alpha

1 Month

$ 4

You get :

  • Trading Scanner
  • Trading Live Alerts
  • Trading platform access
  • Discord Access

*Subscription valid for 30 days.

3 Months

$ 50

You get :

  • Trading Scanner
  • Trading Live Alerts
  • Trading platform access
  • Discord Access

*Subscription valid for 90 days.

12 Months

$ 50

You get :

  • Trading Scanner
  • Trading Live Alerts
  • Trading platform access
  • Discord Access

*Subscription valid for 365 days.


$ 120

Free Trial:

  • Get your test levels for free filling the form.
  • (Free license only during the alpha phase)

*Subscription valid during Alpha

Subscription & Prices